Merseyside is no place for hate

Need to report hate crime in Merseyide

Merseyside Police and the Police Commissioner have made it clear that our region is no place for hate.

Merseyside’s Police Commissioner Emily Spurrell said: “Merseyside is a proud, welcoming, and inclusive region. There is no place for hate here.

“No-one should be subjected to abuse, hatred or violence because of who they are, their race or religion, sexual orientation or gender identity or due to a disability.

“Merseyside Police and my office have close connections with partners and community leaders and we listen intently to any concerns they have, while also working with our partners to encourage anyone affected by hate to seek help.

“Any criminal offences, including those targeting Merseyside’s Jewish and Muslim communities or any of our religious communities, will be treated extremely serious and will face police action.

“I would encourage anyone who experiences or witnesses a hate crime or has concerns for their safety to report it via Merseyside Police’s social media desk @MerPolCC on Twitter or ‘Merseyside Police Contact Centre’ on Facebook. You can also call 101.

 “If, for any reason, you do not wish to report a hate crime to the police, I fund independent charity, Stop Hate UK, to run a 24/7 confidential helpline for all victims of hate crime on 0800 138 1625 or You can also download the Stop Hate UK reporting app on Google Play or the Apple App Store.

“Across Merseyside, we also have a number of third-party reporting centres including fire stations, citizens advice bureaus and hospitals, which can be identified by a ‘red hand’ logo.

“If you’ve been affected by crime, Victim Care Merseyside can also help. For free, confidential advice and support, call Freephone 0808 175 3080 on weekdays between 8am and 6pm.

“Alternatively, request support at at any time.

“As part of this service, I also commission the Anthony Walker Foundation to deliver a specialist support service for any victims of racial or religious hate crime.”

Merseyside Police's Head of Local Policing Zoe Thornton said “In Merseyside, we believe that everyone should be able to live their lives without fear of being subjected to verbal or physical abuse, regardless of who they are.

“During this time, we remain in contact with partners and community leaders to listen to any concerns should they arise.

“We continue to work closely with partner organisations to understand community concerns, educate people on the harm that hate causes in our communities, and develop our awareness and encourage reporting. 

“Anyone who experiences threatening behaviour or is worried about their safety is always asked to contact police.”