Merseyside Strategic Policing & Partnerships Board

- Merseyside Police headquarters Rose Hill - CLOSED MEETING
Senior representatives gathered at the MSPPB meeting

The police cannot cut crime on their own.

Effective partnership working is essential to reduce violence on our streets and make people feel safer in their home and in their communities.

The PCC works closely with other local leaders to improve outcomes for communities and make sure that local resources are used efficiently and effectively.

In April 2022, the PCC hosted the first meeting of the Merseyside Strategic Policing and Partnership Board (MSPPB) with the the aim of making Merseyside even safer.

This critical Board brings senior leaders from all the partner organisations together to focus on key policing and community safety issues across Merseyside and ensure the priorities set out in her Police and Crime Plan are being delivered.

The MSPPB will look to address existing issues and drive improvements in the way crime is tackled and prevented, victims and witnesses are supported, and how the criminal justice system operates.

To do this, the MSPPB will oversee a number of existing sub-groups which focus on improving the effectiveness of the response to issues including Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) and serious and organised crime.

It will also provide oversight of Merseyside’s Violence Reduction Partnership (MVRP) which takes a public health approach to tackling the root causes of serious violence.

The MSPPB will also review the work of the Merseyside Criminal Justice Board (MCJB) which brings representatives from all criminal justice agencies together to try to continue the improve the CJ system for the benefit of victims and witnesses.

Meetings of the MSPPB will be held quarterly and will be chaired by the Police Commissioner.


The objectives of this board include:

  • Acting as an oversight body for a series of sub-groups to ensure their effectiveness;
  • Setting strategic objectives to establish collaboration opportunities to prevent offending and ensure a fair and effective Criminal Justice system;
  • Acting as a critical friend, challenging performance and unblocking issues at a senior level.
  • Providing a platform for learning and to best practice across the region.


These meetings are held quarterly and the member consists of senior leaders from the following organisations:

  • Merseyside’s Police and Crime Commissioner (Chair);
  • Merseyside Police;
  • Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (MFRS);
  • All five of Merseyside's Local Authorities;
  • Liverpool City Region Combined Authority;
  • Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership.
  • Chairperson of  the any sub-groups overseen by the Strategic Policing and Partnership Board.

Other partners may be invited to be part of or attend the meetings from time to time to help achieve the strategic objectives of the Board.

Membership of the board can be reviewed at any time.