Through the Youth Empowerment Scheme, Merseyside's Police Commissioner and Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership (MVRP) are saying YES to brighter futures for young people across our region.

The Youth Empowerment Scheme (YES) was launched in May 2024 with the aim of unlocking the potential of thousands of young people across the region by providing safe, positive opportunities.

The money will be focused in areas of Merseyside which have seen the highest levels of violence and the biggest cuts to youth services, with the aim of keeping young people safe and supported and helping to steer them away from trouble.

Community groups, charities and third sectors can bid for a grant of between £5,000 and £25,000 to run projects and programmes over the next year which give young people the opportunity to gain valuable skills and qualifications, build their confidence and make positive decisions for the future.

Projects can run throughout the year and should include times when issues can traditionally increase including the school summer holiday and over the autumn half term.

The funding pot which totals £414,000 brings together the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Youth Diversion Fund and the MVRP’s Arts | Culture | Sports Fund to create one new super youth fund designed to make it easier for organisations to apply for funding and to provide bigger grants that community groups can use all year round.

Last year, nearly 10,000 young people benefitted from the activities and projects run through the two funds, gainingYouth Empowerment Scheme logo - unlocking potential qualifications in mental health awareness and first aid, learning digital skills, photography and acting and taking part in dance workshops, street arts sessions and sports camps.

By combining the two pots, it’s hoped the YES fund will reach even more young people and enable them to have access to opportunities throughout the year.

Young people who benefitted from last year’s projects were invited to help design the logo for the new fund.

Oliver Ballard, who attended Youth Diversion Fund sessions at Park Farm Community Centre in St Helens last year was picked as the winner for his colourful design featuring young people in front of a globe waving a YES banner.

This fund is now closed.