The Commissioner and Merseyside Police aim to deliver a first class service whilst ensuring value for money within it contracts and procurement.

Contracts are in place to deliver a wide variety of services from operational equipment to services for support to the Commissioner and Force.

Invitations to Tender (ITT)

Tender opportunities for Merseyside Police may be viewed on the BlueLight tendering portal.

This is a dynamic system that is continually updated with tender opportunities which allows organisations to register within specific areas of interest to receive email notification of new tender opportunities including those from other emergency services.

For more information on how to use this portal, view the How to Guide

Tenders are also advertised on Contract Finder or in TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) – the online version of the 'Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union' (OJEU) as appropriate.


All formal contracts carried out by Merseyside Police on behalf of the PCC are registered on a National Contracts Database.

Transparency & value for money

Both the Commissioner and Merseyside Police are keen to promote transparency and openness, and there is a requirement under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 as enlarged on and amended by Statutory Instruments 2011 3050 and 2012 2479 (the Act) for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) and Chief Constables to publish information on spend, tender information and details of contracts. Please see our Publication Scheme for more information.

Value for money is achieved as a result of all staff ordering goods and services being required to comply with the PCC’s Financial Regulations and Contract Standing Orders as set out in the Corporate Governance Framework.

Additionally, on an annual basis, the PCC and Chief Constable’s external auditors are required under Section 5 of the Audit Commission Act 1998 to satisfy themselves that proper arrangements are in place for securing economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the PCC and Chief Constable’s use of resources. Find out more about the Audit Committee.

Social Value

The Commissioner is committed to creating social value in all activities to benefit the people of region. As such, she expects all partners and suppliers to identify opportunities to maximise social value in contracts especially through the employment of local people in their workforce.

By mindfully buying for social value Emily wants to create opportunities for local businesses to join supply chains and for local people to access meaningful employment so that she can contribute to a fairer city region for all.